Welcome to Garth Nix Fans!

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Welcome to Garth Nix Fans!

Post by Sirlaughalot »

Welcome to all of our new and prospective community members to our Garth Nix Fans forum!

This is a place open for Garth Nix fans across the world to discuss stories, drum up fan theories, share art, homebrew for our TTRPG games, and hang out with Nix's work as a backdrop.

While we may not be as big of a fan base compared to authors such as Brandon Sanderson or Stephen King, I feel we still need somewhere to rally despite being scattered across the internet. Back in 2012 I started the r/garthnix subreddit and in 2019 started a Discord server where we have a tiny, yet thriving, little community. As far as I know there isn't another central location for Nix fans to congregate and we are NOT an official fan forum sponsored by Nix [yet].

I mean, check out this artwork of Sabriel by a user in our community named Midnight Cruiser; signed: Hank/2021! It's just neat to share this stuff.
sabriel by Midnight Cruiser.jpg
sabriel by Midnight Cruiser.jpg (887.52 KiB) Viewed 29255 times

Frankly, this is a hobby and I don't have a grand plans for marketing these social networks mentioned above. That being said, I do hope to improve this site little-by-little as folks have suggestions on what they want. Bulletin boards are pretty flexible in what features can be added despite them starting off looking bare bones. We're running the phpBB software and I'm hoping to archive some of the great content that folks create in a more-searchable and organized fashion than we currently have set up on the Discord server.

I envision more long-form discussions happening on this forum with themed art threads and credited art posts with impromptu chats happening on the Discord server. Who knows what it will evolve into but, hey, we have more tools now! If you decide to join, please check out our rules before posting.

For the foreseeable future we'll be up an running even if there's only a handful of us! Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you around :D
Join our Discord server!
"Hurry back."
"I will," said Lirael.
She went into Death.
-Garth Nix, Goldenhand
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